Subtle Asian Baking and Kat Lieu join The Very Asian Foundation to launch The AAPIHN Very Asian Creators Fund
Historically and presently, AAPIHN creators have been and are still severely underrepresented across all creative fields. In time for The Very Asian Foundation (VAF)’s first-year anniversary celebration in January 2023, Meta Facebook Group Subtle Asian Baking’s Kat Lieu has partnered with VAF to launch the Very Asian Creators Fund. Up to $15,000 in donations will be matched, one-to-one! Donate today because the fund will provide underrepresented AAPIHN creators (artists, authors, bakers, musicians, podcasters, journalists, content creators, etc…) with mini-grants to help pave their creative journeys. Full details of the fund (application process, programming, direction etc…) will officially be announced in the first quarter of 2023.
AAPIHN creators and communities, let’s support each other and raise some funds! We’d love to see you shine in the coming year - make your tax-deductible donation today!
You can also mail a check to The Very Asian Foundation: 2650 S. Hanley Road, Suite 100. St. Louis, MO 63144. Please add “VA Creators Fund” in the memo line.
If you are unable to donate at this time, you can help by:
Sharing this link:
Raffling creative goodies like artwork or ceramics or jewelry you’ve made. Example: artist Michelle Lee Rigell will be sending prints of her original artwork to those who donate at least $25 to the fund.
Hosting a bake sale and donating proceeds. Example: Local bakers across Seattle (Leann Dang, CIndy Yuong, Tanantha Couilliard , and Kat Lieu) are coming together to build a bespoke cookie/macaron box and gifting it to 25 donors who donate $88 or more to the Very Asian Creators Fund (more details coming, most of the boxes are already reserved!) It is anticipated these Seattle Bakers will raise over $2000 for The Very Asian Creators Fund with this local bake-sale fundraiser!
Hi everyone!
Starting today, I’ll be participating in an end of the year fundraiser hosted by @subtleasian.baking and @theveryasianfoundation to help support AAPIHN creators. Every dollar raised will be matched 1:1!
If you make a donation of $25 or more, you’ll receive an 8x8in print of this painting “Stars & French Kisses” as a Thank You gift! 💕
You’ll find the link to donate in my bio. 👆🏻
After you make your donation, DM mabelle_rigell_art a screen shot of your time-stamped receipt along with your name and mailing address. There will be a limited number of prints available, so don’t miss out! ☺️
*Only shipping within the US
Very Asian Macarons by Leann Dang, Very Asian shirt by Lena Dang