Crystal mooncakes are the vegan and gluten-free mooncakes you need to make this Mid-Autumn festival (easy recipe)
crystal skin mooncakes by Kat Lieu with sweet potato and salted egg yolk filling
dear friend, let’s make some crystal mooncakes today, using tapioca or sago pearls to create a chewy, clear skin that’s both vegan and gluten-free. If you're looking to keep your mooncakes entirely plant-based, be sure to opt for fruity fillings like strawberries or sweetened roasted sweet potatoes.
Now, let's clear up a common confusion in the mooncake world: don’t mistake crystal skin mooncakes for snowy skin mooncakes. Both are actually quite different. Snowy skin mooncakes are made with glutinous rice flour, giving them that tender, and soft., mochi-like texture. On the other hand, crystal skin mooncakes get their unique chewiness from tapioca starches and sago pearls, making them more akin to boba than mochi. This makes them a fun, toothsome treat that's perfect for anyone seeking a vegan or gluten-free option for the Mid-Autumn Festival.
You will need mooncake molds and something to steam your mooncakes with and I have steaming tips in both my cookbooks, Modern Asian Baking and Modern Asian Kitchen <3
Kat Lieu
#VeganDesserts #GlutenFreeRecipes #CrystalMooncakes #MidAutumnFestival #MooncakeRecipe #AsianDesserts