The Best (and Cutest) Pink Heart Frosted Sugar Cookies Recipe

Pink Heart Frosted Sugar Cookies by Sharon Hsu of

Dear friend,

This recipe is by Sharon Hsu, my good friend and Subtle Asian Baking member. Sharon will be posting a monthly recipe here. Since it’s February, it means Valentine’s Day, but honestly, these cute and delicious Pink Heart Frosted Sugar Cookies are perfect for any occasion.

If you’re craving a sugar cookie, you can skip the frosting step and still have a great base sugar cookie recipe to fall back on. Or let’s say you just need a frosting recipe, then skip the sugar cookie.

And of course, don’t skip the variations. For example, jazz up the cookies with some sprinkles. Or change the flavor and color of the frosting or the cookie dough even.

Pink Heart Frosted Sugar Cookies by Sharon Hsu of

Finally, you’ll see there’s miso in both the cookie dough and the frosting. Miso is a flavor balancer that cuts the sweetness while adding a pleasant pop of umami and salinity. Once you add miso to your desserts, be it red or white, you’ll stop adding those pinches of salt.

As always, happy baking and munching on delicious cookies!


Kat <3

Pink Heart Frosted Sugar Cookies
Yield 7
Prep time
20 Min
Cook time
12 Min
Inactive time
20 Min
Total time
52 Min

Pink Heart Frosted Sugar Cookies

I have a soft spot for heart-themed treats because they’re just so adorable. I’m Asian, so sharing homemade food is one of my ultimate love languages! This pink heart frosted sugar cookie recipe was created with Valentine’s Day in mind, but honestly, love should be celebrated year-round. 🩵This one-bowl sugar cookie recipe is crisp on the outside with soft, chewy center cookies for the perfect sweet treat. Buttery and not-too-sweet, the pandan and vanilla extract combo adds creamy floral, grassy notes. Use dragon fruit juice or powder to tint the cutest pink heart frosting on top naturally. (Strawberry or raspberry powder works too!)


For the sugar cookie
For the pink buttercream frosting:
Optional toppings:


For the cookies:
For the frosting:
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Kat Lieu

Kat Lieu is a doctor of physical therapy, certified lymphedema therapist, and the editor-in-chief of Phil and Mama.

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