Easy Trending and Viral Scissor Cut Noodles and Knife Cut Noodles Recipe with an Umami Bomb Sauce by Kat Lieu
Hi friends! I received a pasta maker as a Christmas gift late last year, sparking a newfound passion for making my own noodles. Inspired by the culinary wonders of Shanxi, known as "noodle heaven," I've become obsessed with noodle-making. (Have you seen my miso black sesame pasta or boba pasta?) You may have recently seen my viral scissor-cut noodle reel, showcasing the unique cutting techniques that transform a simple dough into exquisite self-curling noodles. Shanxi's diverse noodle offerings, from lamian to dao xiao mian, have captivated my tastebuds and opened my eyes to the rich traditions behind each variety. Today, I invite you to join me in making knife-cut or knife-shaved noodles <3 If cutting noods off a piece of dough may result in you losing fingers, carefully snip them off instead with scissors, or flatten, fold, and cut into strands :) (the noodle dough, not your fingers).