Watch Subtle Asian Baking on The May Lee Show!

“There's something about baking that warms the heart. From the wonderful aroma of cookies in the oven to the fluffiness of a chiffon cake, baked goods are always a crowd pleaser. But let's be honest, when we think about baking, we often equate it to western flavors and styles. Brownies, cupcakes, croissants etc. It's not too often you hear bakers using pandan or miso or gochujang. Enter Kat Lieu, founder of Subtle Asian Baking, a community she created to celebrate baking with an Asian twist. After a fruitless search for one source that aggregated Asian baking recipes, Kat decided to start her own. So as the holiday season kicks off, May decided to speak with Kat about how it all began and how this community of bakers has helped empower the AAPI community and beyond and fight Anti-Asian Hate one cake at a time! And of course, Kat brings on some of her special baked goods on the show so get ready for some holiday treats!”- The May Lee Show

Kat Lieu

Kat Lieu is a doctor of physical therapy, certified lymphedema therapist, and the editor-in-chief of Phil and Mama.

Listen to the Subtle Asian Baking feature on the Worst Asian Podcast


The phenomenal global virtual bake-offs of Subtle Asian Baking